The Power of Collaboration

Welcome to the inaugural blog post from CorLife and CorHome! We hope you find this monthly blog informative, interesting and applicable to your position within workers’ compensation.

CorLife and CorHome are innovating how workers’ compensation claims are handled. We all know that not every catastrophic claim is alike, and not all companies have the breadth of knowledge required to understand every level of need within a claim. Through our integrative approach and multifaceted capabilities, we provide a rare synergy that has a direct effect on claim outcomes.

Each aspect of the recovery process for an injured worker has a direct impact on another. Therefore, it is critical that there is collaboration between each provider of service during the home modification process, evaluating for medical equipment and assessing for home care needs. CorLife and CorHome work together on each claim to solve problems every step of the way. We provide schematics for any DME in the home so the home modification professional can ensure there is adequate space, turning radius and safe entry and exit for equipment. We provide bathroom equipment summaries to ensure bathroom modifications support the products being used and maximize independence. CorLife details bed specifications to ensure the recommended transfer systems maximize user interface and safety for the injured party. Each service or product provided for an injured worker must complement one another. It is only in this team collaboration that outcomes are maximized.

CorLife’s unprecedented approach to DME and home health care, combined with CorHome’s assessments and modifications, are critical in ensuring an injured worker can successfully return to home with as much independence as possible. The key to maximum functionality and long-term solutions is an integrative approach to ensure appropriate modifications and equipment placement.

We invite you to experience the CorLife and CorHome difference.

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