Who’s at the core of a successful home modification?

Anyone in the workers’ compensation insurance industry knows that home modification projects can be complex. There are always a minimum of three parties involved: the injured worker, their insurance carrier and the home modification provider. Many times, neither the carrier nor the injured worker are well-versed in construction, making it difficult to manage the project scope, schedule and budget. All parties may have expertise in their respective areas but do not always have the ability to bring all those capabilities together for a cohesive plan or maximum efficiency. That is why CorHome offers a unique and vital person for every home modification—a dedicated construction services manager.
A construction services manager brings years of experience in building, engineering and project management. With an expert at the center of the project to organize, communicate, inspect and plan, the result is a better smoother finished product. Read below to discover the ways that a construction services manager assists each party for a successful home modification.
Better confidence for the carrier
Not all insurance carriers have construction experience. A construction services manager can help locate the appropriate contractor, accurately relay the scope, plus facilitate three-way communication to ensure the project is done on time, within budget and meets the needs of the injured worker. Most importantly, the construction services manager can make an on-site visit to meet the contractor, review progress and give reports including photos, updates and items that need to be brought to the carrier’s attention. By including an individual who understands all phases of construction, the carrier can be assured the project will stay within the approved scope and best interest of their client.
Establishing trust with the injured worker
A home modification can be a pivotal time in the injured worker’s life. They may be experiencing physical and emotional distress. They may not have any experience in building or remodeling, and because their injury is new, they may not fully understand how their physical needs should dictate the project scope. A construction services manager can act as a point of contact for the injured worker, sharing their questions and feedback with the occupational therapist or carrier. Conversely, the construction services manager can layout the carrier’s terms and contractor’s abilities within those terms to discuss plans and manage expectations with the injured worker.
Creating cohesion with the contractor
A construction services manager can serve as a liaison for the carrier and injured worker. If the contractor needs a knowledgeable, experienced resource to collaborate with throughout the process, the construction services manager knows it all—the building process, the carrier’s approved scope and injured worker’s expectations. This increases accountability with the contractor and minimizes overselling or deviating from the initial scope. It also helps to keep the project within budget. Plus, a second contractor—who makes an on-site visit—provides evaluations and second layer of security that the project is moving in the best direction, according to the plans for each unique circumstance.
Overall, when you involve CorHome in a home modification, you get experienced experts, collaboration, streamlined communication and exceptional project management. You’ll immediately identify the advantages of a construction services manager, and you’ll wonder how you ever managed a project without this vital person involved.