
Bringing you the latest news and our opinions on worker’s compensation.

402, 2021

Solving the Prosthetic Problem

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A staggering cost, a medical need, an unworn expensive mistake. These are all words to describe the prosthetic process for both injured workers and carriers.

1910, 2020

Make a Move With our Trusted ATPs

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There’s an important service that is hard to come by in the world of workers’ compensation: Effective delivery and set up of ALL large durable medical equipment (DME).

1205, 2020

Clean Up Your Workflow This Spring

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It’s time for spring cleaning! Eliminate what you don’t need, such as an unnecessary chain of network service providers. This month, we’ve illustrated a clear picture of what makes CorLife truly different from other network service providers.

1702, 2020

Bringing Quality Care Home

By |Categories: News|

This month, let’s talk home health care! Healing is truly done best when in the comfort of home. Home can help an injured worker regain some normalcy and routine. Home is where loved ones can be together and cope after a traumatic injury. Home is always the goal. CorLife is proud to help bring injured workers home while providing the best possible care.

2901, 2020

The Power of Collaboration

By |Categories: News|

Welcome to the inaugural blog post from CorLife and CorHome! We hope you find this monthly blog informative, interesting and applicable to your position within workers’ compensation.

2608, 2019

Our Ranking on the 2019 Inc. 5000

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As you may have heard, CorLife operates with a core philosophy of simplicity. And we stand out in our industry because of how we put this philosophy into practice. At CorLife, each case is managed—from start to finish—by ONE specially-trained clinical claim handler (CCH). This CCH is assigned to a claim from the beginning of the claim and follows it through to the end. They serve as the care and communication hub for each claim.

1001, 2019

Philanthropy is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

By |Categories: News|

This time of year is known for giving, generosity and kindness. At CorLife, that’s our approach all year long. President/CEO Lauren Underhill believes as a business owner, there’s an obligation to give back to the communities CorLife serves. To show our appreciation, here are some ways CorLife lended a helping hand:

911, 2018

The Simple Benefits of Clinical Claim Handlers

By |Categories: News|

As you may have heard, CorLife operates with a core philosophy of simplicity. And we stand out in our industry because of how we put this philosophy into practice. At CorLife, each case is managed—from start to finish—by ONE specially-trained clinical claim handler (CCH). This CCH is assigned to a claim from the beginning of the claim and follows it through to the end. They serve as the care and communication hub for each claim.

3003, 2018

Not All Equipment is Alike: The Need for Expertise in DME Part II

By |Categories: News|

In any category of DME, there are always multiple choices and a Cadillac, high-end high cost option. It is essential, however, for carriers, excess carriers and TPA’s to understand that, in most cases, it is absolutely possible to get the functionally precise, medically appropriate piece of equipment to suit each individual injured worker without spending top dollar.

3003, 2018

Not All Equipment is Alike: The Need for Expertise in DME Part I

By |Categories: News|

There is growing trend in the Workers Compensation industry for carriers and excess carriers to contract with Network Services Providers under the belief that having a menu of services supplied by a single provider will somehow streamline the process and cut costs in the area of claims management.

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